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Malta is a small island that forms part of an archipelago of the same name in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, more exactly under Italy close to Sicily. As a whole, the archipelago made of 3 islands - Malta, Gozo and Comino - has a total area of just over 300 square km. Its existence dates back to millennia, when the first people arrived to Malta. Archaeological discoveries suggest an ancient culture, from then until the contemporary age, several different cultures left their marks in Malta, people like Greeks, citizens of the Roman Empire, Arabs, the Crusaders, the army of Napoleon Bonaparte and more recently citizens of the British Empire. Only after the passage of these last ones, in the mid-twentieth century has Malta become an archipelago autonomously governed.


In our days and also since Malta Independence, the governance vary between the major political parties, namely, the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party, both believe that the country can only develop if they have policies that favour foreign investment, this is why they invest a lot in their tourism industry and defend their International Business Centre regardless of who is to rule. 


Malta has around 410 000 inhabitants most of them are highly qualified, with high level of education, bilingual and with advanced knowledge in other languages. Malta is part of the European Union since 2004. Valletta is the main city.


The best way to visit and travel to this Touristic and Business Friendly Island, is to take a plane and you can do it from several cities in Europe or Africa or even Asia. If coming from London one will take 3 hours, the origin being Rome, just 1 hour, if from Paris 2 hours, Frankfurt 2 hours, Madrid 2 hours and 30 minutes, Tripoli 1 hour and from Dubai 5 hours. Malta is located in the time zone "GMT + 1 hour".



Main Advantages of living in MALTA

  • Safe and with a low crime rate

  • Controlled public debt

  • Friendly business environment

  • Friendly attitude of the Maltese people

  • Excellent telecommunication and information technology infrastructure

  • Strong macroeconomic environment


MALTA Business Centre


Since the very beginning of Malta existence, the strategic positioning of the country made itself a trade centre, in a first reality through the harbours because of a culture that goes back millennia it was by sea that the trade was made. In our days they still have this important trade activity, but now through services of excellence, where big world industries settle their holding or trading companies leading their operations out of Malta. There is no doubt that these Financial Services are part of the success of Malta's economy and one of the main reasons why it still grows above the average, in spite of the European economic crisis.

This competitive and flexible tax regime makes Malta the ideal place to build a business, i.e. a trading company part of a bigger structure or even a holding company owner of the other companies from the group. The applicant company has to pay to the State an "application fee" and each year an "annual fee", different Government Bodies will be responsible for the different activities, i.e., trading or financial, maritime or online gaming, different types of companies, different amount of "fees", this amount also depending of the share capital of the company.


The corporate income tax rate in Malta is of 35% but then should the Maltese company shareholders be non-resident in Malta, a tax refund system applies, which will make their respective taxation correspond, in most of the cases, to a final effective tax rate of 5%. The refund takes place when the profits are distributed to the said shareholding entities, normally the refund being of 6/7 of the tax paid, however: when the source is from a passive interest and or royalties, the refund is of 5/7; when the income originating from passive income subject to a double tax relief mechanism, the refund will be of 2/3; when the income is formed of dividends from a Participating Holding the refund is of 100%.


Of course the company has to meet some specific criteria in order to be considered a Participating Holding of a Maltese holding company, and also has to meet easy anti-avoidance rules of the regime in order to guarantee that there are not artificial or fictitious schemes. Malta has more than 60 DTT in force, some other being currently under negotiations. One of the good things of the regime is that there is no withholding tax in the payment of royalties, interest, dividends or proceeds of liquidation to non-residents in Malta.


Since 2004, when Malta became part of the EU, it has proven to be a stable country, maintaining the economy sustainable, with a controlled public debt, out of dependence of other countries or institutions, the tax regime also being a stable one.


These are all grounds that anyone would agree to be a good reason to start an operation in Malta or at least learn more about this very interesting location to establish any international trading and or investment business to operate worldwide.


So please do not hesitate and join us here. 


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